“A baby’s hands in Bethlehem were small and softly curled, but held within their dimpled grasp, the hope of the world.”  ~ Leslie Savage

When I first became a mother, Grandma Betty held our little angel and rocked her.  As she spoke, I remember her unfolding our first born’s hands and saying, “I always wonder what a baby’s hands will do when they grow up.”  Dare I say I’ve never looked at anyone’s hands the same again?

I’ve looked at each set of our four little hands as they’ve grown through the past decade.  In the few short years of life, they’ve accomplished so much.  I am truly, truly humbled by their hearts, compassionate nature, and desire to help others (too bad that wasn’t always the case between siblings).  Our children have given me an opportunity to grow in my faith, give back to others, and experience a love greater than ever before, a peace in my heart that I cannot even put into words.

Today, my hands have prepared food, held babies and children, prayed, hugged, consoled, helped, and the list goes on.  Think of all you do in a day and the many ways you can give back to your children, your family, or to a stranger.  Spread kindness.  Offer your unconditional love to someone in need.


I’m proud of them, these hands of mine;

So many things they’ve done.

They’ve planted flowers, and pulled the weeds,

And worked out in the sun.

They’ve kneaded bread and cooked the meals

More times than I can say.

They’ve washed a ton of clothes, I guess,

And put them all away.

They’ve soothed a small child’s fevered brow

And rubbed an aching head.

And when the evening shadows fell,

They put the brood to bed.

They’ve borne the bite of winter’s cold

And felt the warmth of spring.

On the finger long ago,

Was put a wedding ring.

And when my journey here is o’er

I still shall thankful be

That these old worn hands of mine

Have done so much for me.

~Author Unknown~

An open hand is welcoming.  It offers hope.  

hope (n.) a feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen – a person or thing that may help or save someone; grounds for believing something good may happen; a feeling of trust; (v.) want something to happen or be the case – intend if possible to do something; “confident expectation”

Without hope, life loses its meaning.

Hope produces joy and peace in believers through the power of the spirit.  In each of our hearts and hands we are capable of giving hope to others through our actions and our words.  

You know the friend who goes out of her way to lend a hand or the stranger in the grocery store who reassures you this time with young children is to be treasured.  In fact, it can be one of the greatest gifts to be offered.  

Do we give it often enough?  Are we looking at the needs of others or our own?

We are human.  We have all hoped for something to happen in our own, admittedly selfish, lives to benefit ourselves.  It’s a shift in thinking, a difficult one sometimes.

Unfold your hands, open your heart, and offer hope and love to someone in need or who deserves an unexpected gift.  It will bring you a joy and peace like none other.  

The greatest gifts you can give are FREE and the reward is greater than you can ever imagine.  Live.  Love.  Serve.