Hi, there! Welcome to Untangling the Knots! Let me introduce myself. I’m a mom of four, a wife, a daughter, a sister, and a friend. I’m a school psychologist and doctor of education. I’m a chauffeur, a chef, a planner, a boo-boo kisser and fixer, a referee, a well-versed plate-spinner, navigating many avenues of personal and professional life, which easily become entangled and overwhelming.
While I’m blessed to be all of these things, I’ve down-right stunk at each and every one of them at some point, sometimes all at once. It’s crappy when the plates start to fall. After much self-reflection, I had a beautiful revelation. I don’t have to live each day in survival mode. I can thrive with a little self-love and a lot of Jesus. I needed to untangle my knotted messes by finding balance in our family, relationships, and lifestyle through faith and organization – weird combo, I know!
Here at Untangling the Knots you will find real, honest confessions of a woman on a mission to be an effective, positive parent and influence on her children, to be a loving, attentive wife in a supportive and respectful relationship, and to lead a healthy, balanced lifestyle that incorporates family and marriage, as well as her individual goals as a professional.
Together, let’s untangle our knotted messes of life.